Jyoti School
Jyoti (Light) School is located in the village of ShivaNagar, an extremely poor community of former slaves.
In 2011, Cargo of Dreams partnered with Stoneybrook Christian School in San Juan Capistrano, California to send a container school to the community of ShivaNagar. After much patience and the arduous task of transporting something of that size, the container finally was delivered to ShivaNagar in April of 2013. There, a group of people from the community were waiting for its arrival. A service team from the US assisted the community members in building their school, and, since the containers held the supplies for a playground, volunteers from Kids Around the World joined to help build a playground next to the school.
Jyoti School serves children in PreK through Grade 4, currently numbering 120 students. 6 teachers and helpers make up the staff. Jyoti School has two buildings: one made of mud with a tin roof and the other is built from the shipping containers.